
All these lines.

All these words.

All these thoughts, scribbled across paper for a girl I do not see.

(Not know.)

Scribbled in ink, staining the paper.

                                    Staining my soul.

                                    …But she is—

                                    …she is beautiful…

She is the way.

On the composition notebooks pages before me:

Dig deep.

                                    Dig deep to the bottom—

  and think of her,

    to the rhythm of my       How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

                                    How do I love thee? ―My Shakespeare's not bad.

And since this is a letter, there are no right answers.

Merely opinions… opinions… opinions.

                                    (Love me.)

          —I wish she would do this for me.



       —Through the pages of a notebook, written across its lines,

I am looking for the girl who stole my thoughts and my heart.

            —I couldn't help it— so I love her, with all my soul.

                                    With all of my soul, in every word I speak,

   —Thoughts of her burning a hole through my words, until they're blurred.

Written by Claudia Wysocky

Claudia Wysocky, a Polish writer and poet based in New York, is known for her diverse literary creations, including fiction and poetry. Her poems, such as "Stargazing Love" and "Heaven and Hell," reflect her ability to capture the beauty of life through rich descriptions. Besides poetry, she authored "All Up in Smoke," published by "Anxiety Press." With over five years of writing experience, Claudia's work has been featured in local newspapers, magazines, and even literary journals like WordCityLit and Lothlorien Poetry Journal. Her writing is powered by her belief in art's potential to inspire positive change. Claudia also shares her personal journey and love for writing on her own blog, and she expresses her literary talent as an immigrant raised in post-communism Poland.


Y or N?


Us Two Poets